Let me introduce you the PR Traffic Booster.
Such an interesting, old looking tool, but it is really awesome. It comes with liker, queue uploader, follower, it is reblogging, and know everything, what you want.
The price isn't so high, and one time payment (take it fast, it grows)
So how works the bot.
You can create tumblr accounts (really working built-in account creator, awesome tool), and make groups (why is it so good? because you can create a group "Health" where you put tumblr accounts which releated to health, and you can mass edit the Description, the Click throught link, the !Avatar! etc)
One of the most important thing: Queue uploader: fantastic, really fantastic, you can select a folder, from every picture will be uploaded, and it puts the uploaded pictures into an other folder, so really awesome, you can see what you have uploaded, and which remaining.
Auto reblog bot, and follower bot: a bit hard to use, because you must have links to the url which you want to follow or reblog, but they have a tool PrHarvester, what scrape urls for you (sadly it costs a bit much), but works really great
And there is an other opinion, Reblog/Like from dashboard, still an interesting thing, and works really great, but a bit slow (or just my proxies was slow dunno)
So it is a really hacky bot :)
Have other very good options, like Account Customizer, where you can change Custom Theme, Random theme, Avatar updater, Queue Poster Updater, Title, Description updater, can make your account nsfw safe.
And at last, the bot has built in proxy tester, TOR and HMA Proxy support, which is really great (I have never seen bot with that option).
And an extra good option: sequence script, where you can put a random event like: Like/Reblog/Follow, or Post(orQueue post)/Like/Reblog , or other options. Check out really a handy tool.